
Showing posts from March, 2019


WORLD EARTH HOUR Chronic foundation is an NGO objective is to protect environment by saving from Global warming. Whole heartedly supporting and promoting the ' Earth Hour' initiative. We urge all the discom's and its consumers to support “Earth hour-2019”.   "We sincerely appeal to Electricity consumers in the country  to make the right and sustainable choices - 'Give Up To Give Back' - for the planet and for the future generations that will inherit it.  The World Earth Hour will be observed by switching off lights between 8.30 pm and 9.30 pm on March 30th 2019.  "As conscientious corporate citizens of India, we also urges consumers to look towards the sun and join our “ Run for Green energy” Campaign with “ PRIDE RUN” in Bangalore on 15th sept 2019. With partnership with Government of Karnataka to Create awareness to use Green energy and campaign “ Give up Brown energy and catch Green Energy” visit for more informat...