Solar Updraft Power tower Technology for Renewable energy
Ramesh Shivanna Solar energy Expert, Director -FKCCI Solar Updraft Tower Power (SUTP) generation will be the potential Renewable power to stave off the Lithium storage dumping? The environmental and benefits are driving the paradigm shift towards the Renewable energy generation and increasing the share of the national energy mix among all our generations. The notion of going green is not strictly a new technological concept, and any naturally available and theoretically inexhaustible energy such as wind, biomass, solar, tidal, wave, hydroelectric power that is not derived from fossil or nuclear fuel is referred to as renewable energy. The relevance of these emerging field became more pronounced when the need to produce clean, safe and efficient energy devices without trading off environmental friendliness arise. A typical Solar Updraft Tower Plant (SUTP) consists of a circular greenhouse type collector and a tall tower (chimney) at its center. Solar updraft technology...