
Showing posts from 2022

“ Energy Transition and Climate action” The pillars of the Union Budget 2022

                          “ Energy Transition and Climate action” The  pillars of the Union Budget 2022   The four pillars of the union budget 2022 are Inclusive development, productivity enhancement,  energy transition  and  climate action When the “Energy transition” and "Climate action” become two of four pillars of the Budget speech, it sends a strong signal of the government's intent to drive economic growth and employment through sunrise sectors focused on sustainability.  The Finance Minister announced  that the government would promote cleaner technologies such as solar energy, sustainable mobility and sustainable agriculture. The Panchamrit Vision laid out by Mr Narendra Modi at Glasgow has set ambitious targets to meet half of country’s energy requirements from renewable energy by 2030 by taking its non-fossil energy capacity to 500 GW by 2030, reducing the total ...

Global Carbon Credit to Fund India

  Global Carbon Credit to Fund India   The global carbon credit market is promising to become a significant source of funding for development projects across the world. As the drive to curb global warming gathers pace, carbon markets have become increasingly fundamental to achieving net-zero green-house-gas(GHG) emissions. Institutional investors can play a critical role. When countries set a limit, or cap, on greenhouse gas emissions, they create something of value: the right to emit. What happens if we apply market principles and rules? The countries or companies that reduce Carbon emissions below their cap have something to sell, an unused right to emit, measured in tonnes of CO2 equivalent. Countries and companies that don’t meet their target can buy these one-tonne units to make up the shortfall. This is called emissions trading, or cap and trade. The net affect on the atmosphere is the same, provided measurements are accurate – ie each unit represents a true one-tonne...

Climate budget for Incredible India to make sustainable India

Climate budget for Incredible India to make sustainable India  The Climate change is one of the biggest threat in this planet. it is no more an environmental issue. Climate change is transforming the way we think about the security and becoming one of the greatest threats to global security. Climate change knows no borders and it presents an existential challenge to all of us. The UN security summit called it the “number one threat to mankind” World Economic Forum listed climate change is the one among the top 10 global challenges.    To address climate change, countries adopted the  Paris Agreement and most of the countries are working towards the commitments to build a low carbon economy. Climate change action mitigation measures and adaptation measures requires planning over a long horizon in the face of uncertainty as well as for many governments, costly financing in the near term. We also notice the flows of international climate finance have grown in recent ye...

Opportunities and business models in Solar Energy

Opportunities and business models in Solar Energy   Solar Energy in India is a fast developing industry as part of the Renewable Energy in India. The country's solar installed capacity is  44.3 GW Ground Mount  and 2.1GW of Rooftop Solar as of 31 August 2021. The Country has fixed the target of 100 GW by 2022 which includes 40 GW Rooftop solar, targeting investment of US$ 100 billions.    The opportunity in this sector is dynamic and promising.    The solar Power business is creating huge potential for the younger generation to choose the carrier and  encouraging the entrepreneurship. Listed below few of the business models and opportunities visible  1. Manufacture Solar products : The manufactured components are Solar PV, Solar Inverters and many ancillary components. Manufacturing the core components is a capital intensive business.  You must have a Business plan with marketing, financial projections.  Apart from the...