Maharashtra leads to push clean energy
Maharashtra leads to push clean energy
rare that cheery environmental news comes out of India, especially when it
comes to clean energy. But a July 22nd order by the electricity regulatory
authority of Maharashtra (MERC), India's most industrialized state, is being
welcomed as a possible game changer. The government has ordered 93 entities to
attain renewable power obligation (RPO) targets by March 2014, which include
government distribution companies (discoms) as well as large private consumers
of electricity.
significantly, companies that do not comply will be fined Rs 13.40 per unit
(about 13p), higher than ever before. The state is one of only two states in
the country to take such strong action (the state of Punjab, also one of the
country's richer states, has issued a similar, though not quite as radical
order). The entities named will have to add approximately 400 MW of solar
capacity in Maharashtra.
now, Indian states have made miserable progress in attaining RPO targets,
mostly because the state has been uninterested in enforcing compliance, and
both discoms and private companies have defied the government's coaxing to buy
renewable energy certificates (RECs). A Greenpeace report in April pointed out
that 22 out of the 29 states did not attain their RPO targets. Maharashtra was
one of the worst performers.
solar companies think the new order is a massive step forward. "This
announcement is a fundamental game changer for the Indian solar industry,"
said Ameet Shah, the co-chairman of solar company Astonfield Renewables.
"RPOs are essential to installing more power; alleviating shortages and
helping our economy run at full speed. Maharashtra, one of the leading
industrial states in the country, making such a big policy move towards
enforcement, confirms explicitly that non-compliance will not be tolerated any
longer." Shah also thinks this list will be expanded, and the demand for solar
power will go up.
solar companies hope this will lead to an increase in the sale of languishing
RECs. Over 2.7 million RECs currently lie unsold, because MERCS are unable to
convince shirking discoms and companies to buy them.
toothlessness of the MERCS is one reason why some green groups are not
rejoicing yet. But it's going to be difficult for the MERC to impose such
fines. Many discoms are in very poor financial condition, so it's probably
better to make the private entities pay up first.The electricity regulatory
boards have limited powers of enforcement and are powerless when it comes to
compliance, and lesser fines imposed in the past have often been ignored.
"The question is: who will regulate the regulators? We need a revamp of
the whole electricity laws to give electricity regulatory boards more
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