SOLAR Rooftop photovoltaic power systems –net metering
There is a
large potential available for generating solar power using un-utilized space on
rooftops and wastelands around buildings. Small quantities of power generated
by each individual household, industrial building, commercial buildings or any
other type of building can be used to partly fulfill the requirement of the
building occupants and surplus, if any, can be fed into the grid. The
distribution companies will allow power to feed into the grid and extending net
metering facility to the consumers.
In grid
interactive rooftop or small SPV systems, the DC power generated from SPV panel is converted to AC power using power
conditioning unit and is fed to the grid. The generated power during the day
time can be utilized fully by powering captive loads and excess power can be
fed to the grid as long as grid is available. In case, where Solar Power is not
sufficient due to cloud cover or during the night hours, the captive loads are
served by drawing power from the grid. The grid interactive roof top solar
system can work on net metering basis wherein the beneficiary pays to the
utility on net meter reading basis only.
Utilization of vacant rooftop for power generation.
Can generate power
for self consumption and feed excess power to the Grid.
Provision for
settlement of registered surplus energy fed to the grid on a half yearly basis.
Surplus energy
injected shall be considered for payment by the DISCOM at pooled cost decided
by the State regulation commission.
Generation of
environmental friendly green energy.
Reduction in
diesel consumption where DG back-up is provided.
80% accelerated
depreciation benefit during first year of operation.
Capital subsidies
from Govt. of India
A minimum vacant roof area of 10 Sq. mtr or 100 Sq. ft is
required for installation of 1 KWp
The consumer shall
have 3 phase supply service connection.
Mandatory safety
precautions / features shall be installed as per the norms
A single
bidirectional meters shall be installed for export and import
The standard
equipment as per the norms of MNRE/DISCOM shall only be installed
Central Financial Assistance upto 30% of the system cost
may be provided by MNRE as per the prescribed eligibility criteria.
Surplus energy
injected by Solar Roof Top/Small Solar PV generator shall be considered for
payment by concerned DISCOMs at pooled cost as may be decided by State
regulation Commission.
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