Solar PV Power for Hotel Industries
Solar PV Power for Hotel Industries
Solar energy has the potential to provide significant benefits to hotels by way reducing operating costs.
Survey results showed that environmentally-friendly programs are increasingly popular with the majority of hotels participation. Concerns over climate change, environmental impact and carbon emissions also increasing in the hotel owners.
Electricity and energy costs contribute significantly to overall operating costs in hotel sector. Because hotels constantly run air-conditioning , indoor and outdoor lighting.
There is significant scope for direct energy saving as well as complementing its energy supply through the Solar PV power generation systems.
There is a large potential available for generating solar power using un-utilised space on rooftops and wastelands around buildings. Small quantities of power generated by each individual hotel, commercial buildings or any other type of building can be used to partly fulfil the requirement of the hotel power requirements
In grid interactive rooftop or small SPV systems, the DC power generated from SPV panel is converted to AC power using power conditioning unit and is fed to the grid. The generated power during the day time can be utilised fully by powering captive loads like lights, air conditioners and heating, excess power can be fed to the grid as long as grid is available.
In case, where Solar Power is not sufficient due to cloud cover or during the night hours, the captive loads are served by drawing power from the grid. The grid interactive roof top solar system can work on net metering basis wherein the beneficiary pays to the utility on net meter reading basis only.
- Utilisation of vacant rooftop for power generation.
- Can generate power for self consumption and feed excess power to the Grid.
- Surplus energy injected shall be considered for payment by the DISCOM
- Generation of environmental friendly green energy.
- Reduction in diesel consumption where DG back-up is provided
- Accelerated depreciation benefit during first year of operation.
- physical constraints: roofs are often crowded with other equipment,
- Hotel owners may not be comfortable committing large capital to energy projects
- Hotel owners and managers focus primarily on their main business of food and cooking related.
- Hotels have many different management structures (including franchises, consortiums, and REITs) and change hands relatively frequently.
- A minimum vacant roof area of 10 Sq. Mts or 100 Sq. ft is required for installation of 1 kWp system. Depending on the Roof availability and electricity demand connected capacity can be decided( please use the technician support to decide the capacity)
- Mandatory safety precautions / features shall be installed as per the norms
- A single bidirectional meters shall be installed for export and import
- The standard equipment as per the norms of MNRE/DISCOM shall only be installed
- The cost of 1 kWp solar PV installation is Rs 45k to 50 K depending on the site conditions
- The power generation by the 1 kWp is average 4 units per day in an ideal conditions
- The cost of the power for the commercial usage under LT3 by Discom is Rs 9.25 per unit.
- The monthly saving out of solar PV generation is Rs 1110 per One KwP installation
The Author is President Karnataka Renewable energy systems manufacturers association
Director - Sadbhavana Energy pvt Ltd.,
Chairman- Pride Energy Environment Research Resource Institute (PEERRI)
Director & Chairman- Energy committee - FKCCI
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